Why does the referee sometimes return the pallino?
The pallino must pass the center red-line.  If not, the referee throws it to the opposing team to throw the pallino.  However, the original team still throws the first ball.

Why does the referee use a paddle?
The paddle speaks volumes – It lets the playing end of the court know which team is closest and tells the opposing team to be ready to throw.
For players watching the game from the other end of the court, the paddle lets them know who should be throwing.

I sometimes cannot see the pallino, what should I do?
Let the referee know by asking them to point it out to you.
Also OK to ask the referee to point to the ball that is in.

What should I do if I think the referee is going to miscount the balls?
First off – never argue with the referee, tell your captain quickly and he/she will ask for a measurement if needed.
And, by the way, you can never tell from the far end of the court. The referee has a much better view than you do.  If you are at the near end of the court and close to the balls get your captain’s attention quickly.  Once the referee calls the score – it’s too late – frame is over.

What is a forfeit?
A match is forfeited when a team has less than four players ready to play at the scheduled start of the match time.
That team then ‘forfeits’ the right to play and loses two games to the other team who can then record two wins. If one game has already been played that score still counts.

What is the difference between ‘match’ vs ‘game’?‘Match’ consists of two games
‘Game’ is 40 minutes of play for tournaments and 60 minutes of play for play-offs.
Frame’ is 8 balls thrown and the winning number(s) recorded.

When time runs out during the last frame why are the balls that are already on the court not counted?
In the last frame all 8 balls must be thrown or rolling to be counted.  If a ball is still in the rack, or in a player’s hand, the score for that frame is not counted.

What is a ‘roll-off’?
A roll-off is needed when a game ends in a tie after the last frame.
A frame consists of 8 balls so all 8 balls have to be thrown or rolling and if the count results in a tie – a one ball roll-off will determine the winner of the game.
The team that scored last to create the tie gets the pallino and throws their ‘one-ball’. They also choose the court end (or court, if vacant, during a playoff).  Captains may select any team member to throw in the roll-off.

Why should I care about the foul line?
You can’t step on or over the line.  First a warning, then your ball may be removed from play if you do it again.

Can I help my opponents with the scoreboard?
No! Never!  That’s their job.  If you put it up, they could suddenly remember and put it up again.

How long does a tournament game last?
Two games in a match, each lasting 40 minutes.  Playoff games are one game only for 60 minutes.

Is there a break between games?
Yes, there is a mandatory 10 minute break between the two games.

How many balls do I get to throw?
Two balls only.  Never more, never less.
Keep track and stay alert to be aware of when it is your turn to throw.